
Friday, January 20, 2012

the little things.

I feel like I am always on the move. Class, madrid, church, shopping, Toledo, site seeing, cathedrals, art, museums ect. We do so many things that are SO big and awesome and once of a life time opportunities, that it almost feels too good to be true.  However, I was walking around Toledo today, (which may possibly top Salzburg in my new favorite place, blog soon to come) when a thought hit me.  "Though we see incredible things here in Spain, I think some of the most valuable experiences come from the little things that you never expect to happen. So, I thought I would jot a couple of them down.

-Walking to and from EVERYWHERE we go, with Kim and Alyson. The three of us seriously get along so well.  We always seem to be laughing at something.
-Creepily stalking the missionaries in Alcalá.  We love giving shout outs to the Elders. They get these big smiles on their face and I think they are just so happy to hear English.
-The HILARIOUS things that men say to us on the streets only because they know we are American.

"Hello Baby."
"Hello. I like you."
oh and they also whistle at us like we are dogs. It really upsets my roomie kim. I just laugh.

-Mastering the bus system. Take that you outdated transit map.
-Getting sooo excited to go see the GIANT mall that our host mom told us to go to, only to arrive there and realize it was just a large supermarket called "Correfour". Basically, it is the equivalent of Walmart in Spain. I think our mom was a little confused at the difference between mall and supermarket. Or maybe it was us? probably the latter. haha
-ZARAS. best. store. ever.
-rebajas. (sales) We have gotten some DANG good deals.
-Eating basically one half a baguette all by myself because sometimes it's the only thing I can tolerate eating, especially when Santi serves us food that has been sitting out on the counter for a week.
-the WEEKENDS. why? because Gloria doesnt have to work and she makes us food. Santi, I really think you are great, but you shouldn't pursue cooking.
- dipping our fruit in chocolate, always! sooo yummy.
-european chocolate.
-running around the entire plaza cervantes trying to find the "calle libereros" so we could go to institute, only to realize that it was the exact same street we got off the bus at, the name had just changed halfway through.  Then, when we finally found the suite we were supposed to go to, it was locked and we had no idea what to do. A random lady standing outside a nearby restaurant just yelled, "SON MORMONES? PROXIMA PUERTA!!!" translation: are you mormons? next door!! haha so we go to the next door and still have no idea how to get in it.  I finally turn around to the other girls frustrated, after staring at the door for awhile, when all the sudden "HOLA." there's the institute teacher, who just happens to be late as well, and takes us upstairs to class. coincidence?  maybe. or just a tender mercy.
-my friend adrian, who speaks English and is a member of the church. He helps me understand what is going on during the lessons.
-bantering with our host brother Miguel about the true color of our hair.  I am NOT blonde.
-playing wii with jesús and his friend, who was really getting a kick out of my terrible spanish.
-late nights with the roomies and gloria, showing gloria country dancing.
-teresa, our adorable spanish teacher.
-cobble-stoned streets
-narrow alleyways
-beautiful spanish children with huge brown eyes.
-cute spanish moms, who carry their children's backpacks to school.
-the sound of recess at 2, which we can hear from our room.
-siestas! i need to live in a country which endorses afternoon naps.
-fountains everywhere.
-soccer shoes. everyone wears them.
-soccer fields EVERYWHERE.
-people playing soccer. EVERYWHERE.
-looking up pictures of Ronaldo for hours, the night of the barcalona and madrid game. (we couldn't see it on TV)

-Gloria, my host mom, dying my hair with Kim at 12 last night.  


Gloria was sooo excited to dye our hair.
Sarah, like my shirt? haha

I look like a Chino.

"Holy Toledo". hands down one of the coolest places I have ever been. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. YOU DYED YOUR HAIR?! It looks great! And when I was looking through I saw your shirt and was like "hey she is wearing that shirt!" and got so excited and shouted to Winona. Then I saw the line that said "Sarah do you like my shirt?" Hahaha. I loved each one of those bullet points! It sounds amazing! Oh and I LOVE your outfit in that last picture. Ok that is all for this novel comment. Love you bye.
