
Monday, January 30, 2012

and it finally came.

I am just gonna say it straight. I FINALLY PLAYED SOCCER. 
in spain.
with spaniards.
so. much. fun. 

Last week our boy Guillermo Lopez from church asked us if we all wanted to play soccer on wednesday. Let's just say I may or may not have screamed a little bit inside when he asked.  Guillero mi amigo, there is only one answer to that question. always: "DUH!"

So he rounded up his Spanish homies and we all went to the church.  They have a futbol court outside in the back where we can play.  Earlier that afternoon, our host dad Santi asked us what we were doing that afternoon.  We told him we were playing soccer and the first thing he says is... "Can I come?" haha he's like a 45 year old man. Its fine. 

So, come 5:00 Santi comes upstairs in his old man soccer garb and before we knew it, "VAMONOS CHICAS!" we grabbed our host brother Jesús and we were off to the church. I was a little nervous at first because Santi isn't a member or anything and I didn't want it to be awkward, but oh man...he was SO into it. He was like our little coach while we played, memorizing our names and such.  While I was playing, I totally missed an easy goal...and he threatened to with hold my dinner from me that night. haha Except in the beginning I totally made a fool of myself.  There was this mossy stuff growing through the court and it was really slippery.  I went to shoot the ball and yelled to Jesús, "MIRA!" and next thing I knew I was flat on my back and everyone was laughing at me. So embarrassing.

We literally played for like 3 hours, until after it was dark.  I was in Heaven.  Then after, all the boys invited us to go out to a bar and get tapas and watch the Barcelona and Madrid game. In summary, we definitely got the Spanish soccer experience, all in one game.  I can't wait to actually go to a live game in Madrid. 

Well, Spain really is as awesome as ever.  I am seriously so impressed with this program.  We have the best balance of traveling, classes, church, fun, and just enough independence.  I feel like I am learning and growing so much, and quite honestly this is just the experience I have been needing. 

This past Friday and Saturday we went to Ávila and Salamanca, north of Madrid.  Sometimes I feel like I am just on an extended girls camp for young womens...and in Spain.  Jacqui is our young women's leader and Lance is our designated Priesthood authority.  I love every second of it, and I am continually growing closer and closer to the girls here.  We are all so cool.  Just sayin. 

 Waiting to meet up with the boys for the Barca and Madrid Game a. We were worried for a second that Nos Dieron la calabaza, "they gave us the pumpkin". This is a phrase for being stood up. haha Im gonna start using it in English. so funny.
 Gloria made us mini hamburguesas. i love america. haha 
 chocolate is the staple of every meal.

 We have a class called "Madrid Walks".  Lets just say I enjoy being the tour guide :)
 Jessi and I being Jessi and I.
 This single piece of paper is worth like 800 dollars. Paris, here we come!
 Carrefour and it's precautionary measures against stealing-wrapping your backpacks in plastic sacks.
 Market in the snow :) 

 Next to Ann Marie Hyde, this lady Santa Teresa deserves the title, champion among women.
 Just playing on the outside of the walls of Ávila. They are the best preserved medieval walls in Europe.
 We are LOTR dorks. we are also LOTR orks in the photo. that ryhmes. heh. im so funny.
 Just another beautiful winter day in ´Avila.

 I just had to do it. Launching a snowball off some ancient walls.  How could I resist?

 "Los Cautros Postes" This is where Santa Teresa was stopped by her Uncle when she tried to runaway into Martyrdom for the Catholic church at like age 7.  We all go through that phase I guess.
 TOROS! quaint little town we stopped at on the way home.  I'm just grateful our bus somehow made it up those steep little roads.  Needless to say, we were a little worried for a bit there.
 Cathedral at Toros. My favorite so far. They played music inside and it definitely illuminated the whole experience.

 Plaza Mayor in Tordesillas, another little town we stopped at on the way home.  We walked into the Plaza and everyone was just randomly singing and dancing. Guess what happened next? Yep, some hobbit old Spanish man made me dance with him while all the girls in my program laughed at me. Priceless experience :)
I'm creepily obsessed with Spanish children. They are way classier than I will probably ever be.

I honestly have yet to find fault with Spain. Even all the smoking is beginning to appeal to me. ha. just kidding. but I am starting to realize its just apart of living in Europe. 

Next stop: Andulusia tomorrow through saturday. trip down south! can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. i can't even get over how much of a dream come true this study abroad is for you! i can't think of anywhere better for an ork to spend four months of her life. keep the blog posts coming! i love them!!!
