
Sunday, January 15, 2012

let me introduce you to my friend, madrid. :)

I have a new friend.  She is located in an enchanting country named Spain.  She is the capital city and the "hub" of the Iberian Peninsula. She sits right in the center of the country and let me tell you, I love her.  Her name is Madrid. Also, for any of you reading it. The way you say Madrid in your head, isn't nearly as cool as how it is really pronounced.
I love how the Spaniards speak, even if it is nearly impossible to get a grasp on their lisp.  Everyone always talks about that when they tell you to prepare for speaking spanish in spain. But seriously, at least my host family, is RIDICULOUS. Their lisp is out of control.  Also, my dad was like, don't worry Anna, they don't really use vosotros ever. uhhh no papa. My host mom gloria ONLY uses vosotros.  


(thanks a lot, you so called spanish teachers)

Ok, sorry I had to have a little venting session. Back to Madrid. I have now been into the city two times.  On Thursday our tour guide Antonio took us in as a group to see the main sites around Puerta del Sol, a busy plaza off the train station.  Here, we all buzzed around the cobble-stoned streets in complete awe, running into things as we tried to take pictures of ALL of it (atleast I did. haha)  We saw the Palacio Real, where the King was forced to leave in exile from Franco, way back in the day. (I think.)  We also walked into the Almudena Cathedral and walked around there.  
Cathedral Almudena

check out those lights from the stained glass windows?!

I touched the oldest door in Spain, and even witnessed two men come out onto the Plaza Mayor who were just happily married.  (lovely.)  I wish I had on film the complete drop in our demeanors as we watched them come out of the building they were married in.  Here we were, 20 BYU (slighty marriage hungry of course) girls, expecting to see this beautiful girl come out with this beautiful dress....then....nope. Those are two men.  hahaha. anyway, it was pretty hilarious.  

Plaza Mayor

After our tour around the city, we were set free!  This is the thing I love the most about our program.  There is so much freedom, but just enough structure to the program.  We split up and meandered about the city.  We got our first churros con chocolate and just took time to soak everything in.  I love the way the city feels.  Sometimes the feel of a place is far too hard to describe in words.  Sometimes it is a mere connection between your senses and your heart, as you let the place become apart of you.  

We finally found the triangle! ha. inside joke. 
for our host brother Jesus

Then, on saturday night, me Aly, Kim, and I (Aly and Kim are my roommates)  went into Madrid at night to see the Museo del Prado, the most famous art museum in Spain and a very prominent museum in Europe.  We had to complete a "Prado Treasure Hunt" for our art history class.  Jaqui, our teacher, gave us a list of paintings we were supposed to go look at, and an assignment for each one.  I will be entirely honest, I have never been a huge fan of Art.  But, since we learned about the paintings and artists beforehand, and were given specifics to notice about the actual paintings in the Museum, I appreciated it so much more.  I know we will be re-visiting the Prado a lot, and I am definitely excited about it. My favorite painting was actually the very first one we found. The painting is entitled "The footwashing, by Titian Tintoretto."  We were supposed to notice the contrast between the dark background and the light around Christ on the right side.  The apostles have a ring of light around them, but you can't see it as well as those on the right side where its dark. I kept thinking how I hope that the darker the world becomes, the stronger my light grows, and the brighter I become.  Hopefully the light is bright enough to help others find their way, and never diminishes.  There is opposition in everything. I have always loved that concept of the gospel.  

 The statue of Velazquez

Another beautiful Cathedral close to the Prado.

I think one of my favorite things to do in Madrid, is just learning to navigate the metro and trens.  There is such a sense of accomplishment when you finally figure out which way you need to go, and how to get there.  Entirely on your own.  Exhilarating. 

Jessica, Whitney, and Faith hanging out on el tren.

This study abroad is truly incredible.  I know I won't ever want to leave.  My host family is perfect in every single way, and I feel so blessed to have fallen into their hands.  Their introduction blog will come soon enough, and as much as I love the city of Madrid, I would not trade living in Alcalá, outside the main city, for the world.  The community feel and large presence of family life is so important to me. You don't get that as much inside the maid city area.

On an ending note, today was our first day of church.  Just like the painting mentioned above, I want to talk about contrasts for a second.  Of all the beautiful Cathedrals we saw,  the place I felt the spirit the most was our church.  The Cathedrals in Madrid felt so cold and empty, despite their grandeur stained-glass windows, high ceilings, and intricate models of Mary and Christ. But, when we went to church today, the building was small and simple, but so humble and full of laughter.  The people were so happy and friendly and full of light.  I love the feel of the church.  It truly is the same everywhere in the world.  Despite the fact we couldn't understand the language, the spirit was still there and I was overcome by this thought that God is no respector of languages.

More intros to come. For now, Buenas Noches. 


  1. Oh my gosh Anna I am loving this!! I almost cried a few times while reading haha I am so glad you are having a good time! Now that you've had churros con chocolate, you need to go to the Mallorquina on Puerta del Sol (right in front of the metro exit) and get some chocolate napolitanas. Seriously, you will fall in love! :)

  2. anna!!! love your blog. and love to see that you are having such an amazing time!!! study abroads are the GREATEST things ever. don't worry, you will find that you will never be able to describe everything into words... its all part of the experience! Remember that you will never forget memories and how you feel in that city. AHH im so excited for you! love you anna and I will continue to follow your adventure! miss you love you :)
