
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


first of all, I found this picture off a website called the straight dope. haha

Second of all, what do you initially think when you see a lady with creepy drawn-on eyebrows like this?  "Oh, that lady is probably gonna try and rob me?" no. i wouldn't think that either. until it happened...dun dun dun. story time.

So, included in my array of classes here in Madrid, is a class entitled "Madrid Walks."  Basically, we are assigned six different tours around the city.  We are given the routes and historical information on paper, and our task is to go find each place listed.  ok, it is SO fun.  just like amazing race. but historically informative and there is no million dollar prize. oh, and not a race. haha but, you get my jist. 

Alcalá, the town where I live, is located 30 minutes outside the main metro area.  So, after class yesterday morning, Alyson, Kim, Jessi, and I all hopped on the tren towards the city.  For reasons we still do not understand, our tren somehow didn't stop at the station we had planned to get off at.  So, we just had to take it to the next stop where there was metro access, and backtrack to the puerto del sol, our starting point for the tour. 

I can't even tell you how many warnings I was given before this study abroad about crazy people in Madrid who will target you and try to pickpocket.  I listened, I really did. But somehow, I forgot to be on my guard.  On our first metro back towards our intended plaza, we hopped on the train with 3 other europeans surrounding us. Have you ever felt like a sheep being herded?  Well, I was basically being herded by some smoking europhiles, as Lance would say.  They all walked behind us and pushed us into the middle, close to the center pole we were all holding on to.  They positioned themselves in a way that we couldn't get past them.  I was terribly uncomfortable and confused as to why we were forced to stand like that, when the metro itself had plenty of space to move into. strategic demons. 

so, the next stop came around and these guys started shuffling around, saying "perdon" "perdon" and I was forced even closer into the middle of the three of them.  Of course I abided by their wishes when they were saying excuse me. I was trying to be polite, because I thought they were trying to get off the stop. But really, they were trying to wedge me in even tighter.  So, here I am awkardly stuck between all these people.  I turned my head to express my discomfort to the other girls, when all of the sudden, I felt a small tug on my little bag around my neck.  Just in time, I stuck my hand down there to see what was going on, and the only thing I felt was another hand. panic panic panic. I grabbed this lady's finger and pulled it out of my bag.  For a spit two seconds, the thief and I just sat and stared at each other. In that moment, I was looking at a women trying to take what I owned, and I caught her right in the act.  That gaze, or "mirada" in spanish, was probably one of the freakiest moments of my life. I will NEVER forget those eyebrows. those freaky eyebrows of my attempted thief. 

I was in so much shock I really didn't know how to react. Do I yell at her, kick her in the face, scream "THEIF" or "LADRON" in the middle of the metro? I have never been the type to make a public scene. I have gotten better at this, but I have never been good at public confrontation for uncomfortable situations.  My best friend sarah is always the one to be assertive in situations that I don't want to deal with.  So I turned to the girls with pure panic on my face. "Guys, I just felt a finger in my bag." Aly said, "anna we gotta move." so we started to leave when all the sudden,  i realized I was trapped.  One of the guys was holding on to the hood of my jacket. He had it in his hand that was holding onto the pole.  I tried to tug away a couple times and couldn't escape. I was so confused as to what was happening, so finally I turned around and gave him a glare and pulled as hard as I could. I still don't understand why he was holding on to me. Was it on purpose or not? I was pulling so hard to get away. Any normal person would let go immediately and probably be embarrassed and apologize. But obviously, those were not normal people. 

So even though the day started out shady, I easily let that experience go and enjoyed a beautiful day with the city.  Moral of the story.  There really are evil people in this world.  Let it go, forgive em, and move on. 

 me and kimbo.
 Aly and I just looking at the remains of an old mosque.
 The old city wall.
 Looking out at the cathedral Almudena.
 Then, turn around and...grafitti! love the contrast from the picture above. all in one spot.
 Cute garden where Aflonso and Isabel from the royal family got married. (I may or may not have made this up. But I swear I read something along those lines...)
 cute. :) 
Spanish Bartender(As we walk in the bar with no idea what to do, we just wanted some tapas!): "12 tapas come with 2 cervezas (beers).
Spanish Bartender: "You haven't lived."

viva españa. 
next episode: Toledo on Friday! stay tuned :) 


  1. ANNA.....hahahahahaha, your life! i swear you have the funniest life of anyone i've ever met. but really, that would scare me SO bad to be trapped by some creepy spaniards! i LOVE you!! and your life is so fun right now. please keep blogging a lot!

  2. can't get over this story! that WOULD happen to you! and i so would have slapped that lady for you if i was there! it looks beautiful! have fun and BE SAFE!

  3. when I went to spain we had a similar thing happen only another spaniard saw it happening and started yelling at them for us. Our bags zipped close and we kept our hands on our bags but they had started unzipping. Sometimes people would come up and ask random questions, to see if we knew spanish. Lucky for us my friend who is blue eyed and blond was the one they always asked and she spoke fluently ;) yeah for adventures. LOVE the pictures and that you look so incredibly happy!
