
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

la abuela and cultural barriers.

So, random tidbit. Santi, (my spanish father) has the cutest mother in the world. She is possibly the cutest little lady I have ever met in my life.  Her husband is in the hospital because he had to have heart surgery, so she is staying with US in our cute little spanish chalet. I have been meaning to take more pictures of my  house and room and kitchen and everything, but i just haven't had anytime.

Anyway, this cute little grandma's name is Violeta and she kind of looks pregnant because her belly is so round, but the rest of her body is so tiny.  She has the cutest, squintiest smile I have ever seen.  You just know by her smily wrinkles, that she has spent a good long life laughing, smiling, and joking around. She is definitely similar to Santi in that way, she is totally a little jokester.  She loves watching TV and she is obsessed with soccer, just like everyone else in this blessed country.  She has this high pitched little voice and she speaks with such animation.  She is extremely difficult to understand, and the whole family keeps telling us she is just a tad bit insane and that she is losing her mind. This is probably true, but I love her! She is so classic.  Today she told us that 15 days ago she cut her finger as she was trying to shave her mustache.  She is constantly hugging and kissing Miguel her grandson and talking about how much she loves him.  She told us yesterday how Santi never studied as a child and she constantly goes off on these tangents to me in the most slurred Spanish I have ever heard, then bursts out hysterically in laughter.  Even though I have absolutely no idea what she is saying, I can't help but laugh at her! I just want to bring her home to the USA, show her off, then send her back to Spain because I would have no idea what to do with her.  For some reason every time I see her, my heart swells with joy. She just makes me smile!

Ok, another funny story. my spanish profesora teresa, who im pretty sure goes crazy on the weekends, danced for us today in the middle of class. It was one heck of a moment. She's like this young hip chica who wears shirts with tigers on them. i don't think i know anyone else who could pull that off. she is seriously beautiful too. and she knows it. ha.

ok, third story.  We played soccer again tonight, which was AWESOME as always.  When we returned to the house, all we wanted was some serious hot chocolate.  So, as we were sitting there drinking our heavenly goodness, the phone rang.  Jesús comes running in the kitchen to answer it and after, he was having a hard time sticking the phone back on the hook and just blatantly bursts out....

We immediately busted up laughing SO HARD. The second he realized this, he just goes.."oh. i am sorry! (in english) and runs away.  All of this happened when i was in full on gulp, and as a result of this hilarious situation, i began choking on the hot chocolate and had NO choice but to spit it out all over the floor.  My face was dripping in hot chocolate and none of us could contain our laughter.  Later, we told the story to our mom and this other girl Adriana, and she would just say the word nonchalant, like it was no big deal.  They just didn't quite understand how vile the word is I suppose.  oh!, "FU**?" nosotros lo decimos mucho en españa! 'we say it a ton in spain!" haha. today was just a classic. I love cultural barriers, they are hilarious. 

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