
Saturday, February 11, 2012

cathedrals. castles. synagogues. mosques.

Our trip this week was to SEGOVIA! yay for freezing cold weather, the best hot chocolate I have ever had, an awesome castle and a "legit as it gets" aqueduct, and some dancing in the plaza with 16 year old Spanish girls.

This is the awesome Roman aqueduct, made only of stone.
this is the castle. "Alcázar de Segovia."

and of course we were given free time to explore the city, where we found this TINY car.

We then rushed into a little cafe, desperately needing something warm.  We all ordered hot chocolate and received some serious drink.  We really think they just crushed up a chocolate bar, poured a little milk in there and served it.  It was sooo thick and delicious I thought I would die.

After we meandered through all the little shops, trying to stay warm...and eventually ended up at the plaza below the aqueduct.  We ran into some of the girls in our group being taught some odd dance by a bunch of 16 year old spanish girls.  We joined in the fun, and before you know it..we were one big dancing extravaganza.  When Madi went out to take our picture, we motioned for all the boys in the square to join in, and basically they ALL did. it was this huge group picture of spanish teenagers.

A girl named Carolina invited me and my roommates to go to the temple today.  After visiting the plethora of religious buildings throughout this entire experience, I can't even begin to explain the joy I felt, finally entering my religious building. It just felt so right.

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