
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

so much i have seen...so much I have to say..so little time and internet access to tell about it.

we call ourselves the fellowship.  The fellowship includes the 8 of us who stayed after our Spain program to travel from Paris, Edinburgh, and London.  This has only further added on to the biggest adventure of my life.  When I return to Los Estados Unidos, I will give a full and overly detailed report. But for now..I LOVE EDINBURGH.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Me Voy. Que Lástima, Pero Adios.

Once again, my favorite artist Julieta Venegas just knows how to sum up my feelings.  There are really no better words than these..."Me voy. Que Lástima, Pero Adios."  English Translation: I'm going. What a pity, but goodbye :)

On Friday, the 31st of March, I left Spain after living there for 3 months.  This always happens to me with goodbyes...their reality doesn't hit me until like 2 months later.  Therefore, you can bet that in 2 months I will be in Salt Lake on my bed, depressed I'm not in Spain anymore.  On my last couple nights, it started to hit me that I was leaving, but something inside was telling me not to let that sadness get in the way of enjoying my last moments..so thats what I did! I tried not to think about it and just soak in those precious moments.  I tried to take note of every little detail about daily life that I had started to let grow old or mundane. For example, I took especially long amounts of time just meandering up the stairs that we used to cross the train tracks everyday.  I tried to always keep an eye on the beautiful green hills that surround Alcalá, as if to engrain them in my memory.  I tried to just listen to the beautiful Spanish language and the accent of the Spanish people, in hopes I will never forget it.  Spaniards speak so beautifully and with such pride.  I love the theta and the "B" sound they use for V's.  There are so many little quirks I noticed and tried to pick up in the past 3 months, and I will miss hearing them so much.

Once again, this experience has been incredible in every way.  I can't wait to come back to the United States and apply what I have learned.  I miss my own family so much and I cannot wait to make my parents listen to my Spanish prayers at dinner..if thats what I have to do to keep this Spanish up, I will do it!  I didn't cry until I gave my host dad Santi a hug..even thinking about that moment still makes me tear up.  I will never ever forget my Spanish family.  The following are a series of goodbyes:

 The Center for Young Single Adults in Alcalá. They suprised us for our last week there!
 SANTI!!! What would we do without him?
 Yay for Elder Ioan! He's going to Romania on a mission!
 Adrian (He saw us on Spanish TV)
 JULIO (according to him, my future husband)
 Kendel. (She's also American, teaching English in Spain)
 The woman who taught me everything I know about Spanish..VISI
THE BUS! im gonna miss public transportation!
 Ricardo! One of my first homeboys in Spain. He's from Peru!
 Miguel my host brother! He came out with us on the last night!
 Legit first friend in Spain. Santi!
 One and only father in Spain. Also named Santi! We bought that paddle for him for father's day!
 SOPHIO! I fed him way more than I probably should have.
Our cute little Chalet and the Spanish Soccer mom van.  That open window on the left was mine and Kim's room. I LOVED waking up every morning to look out on this street.
Mis hermanos and padre :( Aren't they all so cute?!
 Spanish mother..no words to describe the sadness..
Goodbye train rides, and madrid suburban area, and grafitti.

One thing I do know for sure, "HASTA LUEGO" Madrid!
Hasta Luego directly translates to "until next time"
I can assure you. There will be a next time :)